Title: Dell Micro Serial to Serial - Serial adapter - DB-9 (M) - for Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet 7202
- Converts the Micro Serial port on the Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet 7202 to a Serial port with DB-9 connection
- Allows you to connect serial devices such as modems, printers, and scanners to your tablet
- Premium build quality ensures reliable and durable performance
- Compact and lightweight design for easy portability
- Plug-and-play functionality for hassle-free setup and usage
- Enhances the functionality of your Latitude 12 Rugged Tablet 7202 by adding a Serial port
- Enables seamless communication with a wide range of serial devices
- Increase productivity and efficiency by connecting critical equipment to your tablet
- Robust construction ensures long-term usage without issues
- Convenient and easy to carry, allowing you to connect serial devices on-the-go